Renegade Muse


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[1] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.08.2010

(Comments closed due to spam.  Feel free to email me or make contact on Twitter or Facebook.)  All opinions are welcome, positive or negative, but civility and polite language are required for comments to remain.  Political or religious references are not allowed, unless directly related to the book under discussion. I do answer questions but I seldom give interpretations about my books or characters, because I enjoy hearing what readers see in them.  These comments and discussions replace my old forum at The Terrace. WARNING: Book discussions may contain spoilers.

[2] Posted by Remontant on 01.10.2010

Amazon tells me Laura “Fraking” Kinsale’s new book will be in my greedy little hands on Thursday, 1/14! Hooray for early releases!!! It’s been a long, long wait. I feel like I’m receiving word from a long-lost and very dear friend at last.

Blessings to you, Laura!

[3] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.10.2010

I do hope it makes you smile. :)

[4] Posted by Yumster on 01.11.2010

Wow! I can’t WAIT for the new book!!!  This is just what I needed!  Hooray!!!!

[5] Posted by Rachel on 01.11.2010

Amazon did right by me and my pre-order showed up today! Awesomeness in a box! Ok, enough interneting…must get back to reading…and laughing…my husband keeps looking over at me on the couch because I keep laughing out loud!

[6] Posted by Patti on 01.12.2010

Just ordered my copy from Amazon, can’t wait !

Ohhhhh, this is better than Christmas !

Welcome back, Miss L., you have been sorely missed !

[7] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.12.2010

Yumster—is that Yummy from The Terrace?  And I remember a Patti too.  If so, welcome back! I’ve missed you guys too.

Laughing Rachel, just what I like to hear.n ;)

[8] Posted by Yumster on 01.12.2010

Yes, it sure is me!!  And I have missed the boards and sharing ideas and discussions with you and the rest of this excellent crew. 

BTW, I really love the new website design.  It’s beautiful!

Lessons is on its way to me right now, and I cannot WAIT to start reading it.

[9] Posted by Bazolian on 01.12.2010

Hello there,

a friend recommended your books to me and I have taken a peek at the chapter posted online and I love it so far.  I have been looking for a Regency Romance writer whose book has the feel of the period and I think I may have found her. 

I look forward to discovering Ms. Kinsale.  When will French Lessons be available on Amazon Kindle?

[10] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.12.2010

Lessons in French will be released as an ebook at the same time as the mass market release, which is officially January 25.  So it will probably be sometime around late Jan or early Feb.

[11] Posted by Rachel on 01.13.2010

I ended up reading this cover-to-cover the other night. What a fun ride! Thanks for all the laughs and another great story (which I know I’ll be re-reading again immediately).

[12] Posted by Sarah on 01.13.2010

LESSON IN FRENCH is almost release! =] I can’t wait to devour the book once I buy it! LOL And the reissue books are just gorgeous including LESSON IN FRENCH. Love your website Laura =)

[13] Posted by Juliet Burns on 01.13.2010

I’ve waited so long for a new Laura Kinsale novel and it’s finally here! I have a fairly big keeper shelf. But Ms Kinsale’s novels have their very own special shelf with glass doors. Plus I have backup copies in a fire and water safe file cabinet. I’m so thrilled to finally read LESSONS IN FRENCH! And the new website is GORGEOUS!

[14] Posted by Remontant on 01.14.2010

It’s here and I love it! Worth all the waiting—thank you for such a lovely story. It’s witty, it’s poignant, and full of Laura’s wonderful upending of cliches (*love* the unexpected revelation on page 387). Another gift to us all. :-)

Sometime when you’re not busy launching the book, I hope you might be able to comment on the genesis of this story. At one time were you considering making this the story of Diana, the Duke of Jervaulx’s natural daughter, or did I dream that? (I so want to revisit the Quaker Lady and her buffle-headed duke.)

Thank you for this wonderful tale.

[15] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.14.2010

Rachel and Remontant, I’m so glad you enjoyed it.  And that the surprise was a surprize. ;)

Juliet, that’s amazing about the file cabinet, lol.  Good for you, we should all have one of those for important papers.

Sarah, I agree, I love the new re-issue covers.  I hope they come out in as lovely colors as the scans appear to be.

[16] Posted by Kathy on 01.14.2010

Laura, I flew through LiF yesterday.  Loved it, loved it!

Callie was so sweet, and Trev—just to die for.

Now, I’m off to re-read a little more slowly and savor this very funny, very touching book.

[17] Posted by Sandra brennan on 01.16.2010

Hi Laura,  My copy of LiF arrived yesterday - stayed up until 4 am this morning, could not put it down, as always you never disappoint - loved
Callie and Trev.  Have just ordered The Prince of Midnight so can’t wait to get stuck into that.

[18] Posted by Muqadas on 01.16.2010

I love Hereford (and Hay-on-Wye festival)! - wonderful setting.  Couple of admirable points not found in average Regency, but often making an appearance in an LK:  a portrayal of protagonists who can cross class divides. A worldview and plot line not confined to the aristocracy.  Real fleshed out laborers, farmers, cottagers.  Always real fleshed out animals, too - the animal parts of Lessons in French, well really in all LK, always seem so well-researched without seeming… well-researched. Like the scene where she’s making mash - just right. Same too when specialized jargon is used - like the boxing slang (or the nautical language in Seize the Fire) Ended the book wondering - was her fortune in tact or not?

[19] Posted by Sherrie Holmes on 01.17.2010

Sandra Brennan, I beat you by 3 hours.  I stayed up until 7:00 a.m reading LIF. *g*  Laura, I loved Hubert!  And I loved that Callie had a deep interest in cattle. So atypical for a Regency miss.  I cried when I found out about the Davenport/Hubert situation, and if I ever run into Callie’s cousin in a dark alley, he just better watch out! Thank you for a delightful book.  And for a delighful little mystery, too.  You blindsided me on the resolution—I never saw it coming. Which of course made the book all the more entertaining!

[20] Posted by Dea on 01.17.2010

I agree about the reveal on page 387 being a nice surprise. It’s the sort of thing I always wish would happen in a romance novel and it so rarely does.

Laura does comedy so well. I’m glad to have another book similar to Midsummer Moon. The witty banter is the best!

[21] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.19.2010

You know, after I finished this book, I didn’t read it for a couple of years.  I have a pretty bad memory, and what I remembered was that I needed to “fix the ending.” 

So when I went back to read it in preparation for publication, I had completely forgotten the end, and totally surprised myself. 

So I was hoping maybe a few readers would be too! I’m glad.

[22] Posted by Debbie Stein on 01.19.2010

When it comes out as an e-book—will it be on the new Nook by Barnes and Noble?
I can’t wait—and if its not on the Nook then I need to run out and get it. Actually, I probably need to get it anyway. But my husband, who has a Nook, has been asking what he should read to see what I like in Romance novels…and I’m betting this is the perfect book to start him off.

[23] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.19.2010

Debbie, it’s my understanding that Sourcebooks will release the ebook version at the same time as the print version—Jan 25.  I assume that includes the Nook but I don’t know for certain.

[24] Posted by Jenna on 01.21.2010

Yay!  Congratulations, LK!  I can’t wait to read it!  Every time a new book of yours is published, I feel this tremendous sense of “Whew!  I made it.”  :P Each book has always been worth the wait and suffering, so thank you thank you thank you!  :)

[25] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.21.2010

LOL Jenna, I feel that way too when I finish a book.  Whew, I made it!

[26] Posted by Nicky on 01.22.2010

Thanks for returning to spread more romance!

[27] Posted by flip on 01.23.2010

Thank you for such a wonderful story. I loved the humor, the characters, the setting and the love story. I will be reading and rereading this story, as I do with all of your novels.

[28] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.24.2010

Thank you, Nicky and flip!  I’m glad you enjoyed it, flip.  I always love to hear that people like to re-read them, it’s the best compliment.

[29] Posted by jeneen on 01.25.2010

Who wonna da contest?


[30] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.25.2010

Jeneen, we’re going to have the drawing for the winners at a real-time chat on Friday, Jan 29, with me, the artist Charles Rutledge, and Beth Kingston (who had the great idea for the illustration!) 

As soon as I know the exact time, I’ll announce it on the Contest Page. Also, I’ll be sending an email to the winners. 

The reason it’s taking a bit longer is because I’d like to have a scan of the final artwork to see at the chat.

[31] Posted by Brenda on 01.29.2010

I just finished Lessons in French and as I already knew I would, I LOVED it!! It was beautiful and heartwarming, and I was very pleased with the ending!! **SPOILER ALERT** Especially how Callie waits to tell Trev that he’s a free man! I couldn’t stop smiling…

And I don’t mean to pressure you at all…but…I can’t wait for the next one!! But for now, I will re-read this one, along with Flowers From the Storm which is on my mind…and Shadow and the Star…

Happy writing…Dreamer

[32] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.30.2010

Dreamer, was such fun to see you again at the chat!

[33] Posted by Yvonne on 01.30.2010

I loved the story, but your printer has not done right by you, Laura. My copy has several blurred (but readable) pages, and a steep incline from left to right.

I suppose I should have sent it back to Amazon, but i could’t part with it.

I think I’ll have to drive out to B&N and see if they’ve got a clean copy.

[34] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.30.2010

Yvonne, I’m sorry to hear that.  Looking through the 30 or so copies I have, I’m not seeing a printing problem.  It sounds like maybe your copy went through the press wrong.

Here is the contact info for Sourcebooks, the publisher:

They have been extremely pro-active with addressing problems.

[35] Posted by Beatriz on 01.31.2010

Apropos of the desirability of French heroes, I came across this delicious nugget yesterday:

“In Britain, a research team at King’s College, London, has declared that the female “G-spot” does not, in fact, exist.

In France a group of top gynecologists led by M. Sylvain Mimoun has dismissed the findings, and said what do you expect if you ask a group of Englishmen to try to find a woman’s erogenous zone.”

[36] Posted by laura kinsale on 01.31.2010


[37] Posted by Mandarama on 01.31.2010

I can’t tell you how excited I am to hear that your new novel has arrived!  All your books are my faves, and I’ve been reading, studying, teaching and writing about romance novels for some years now.  The Shadow and the Star is perhaps the most perfect romance ever written.  And I love Folie Hamilton in My Sweet Folly in the same way I love Elizabeth Bennet.  I’ll be getting Lessons in French on my Kindle right away—tomorrow, it’ll be time to send the kids off to school, maybe even cancel my own classes for the day, and turn off the phone!  Thank you so much.

[38] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.01.2010

Oh, good idea, cancel your own classes and take a day to treat yourself.

I love that idea!

[39] Posted by Patti on 02.01.2010

Finished LESSONS in one sitting. Cats are the only ones who got real food,because I didn’t have to put the book down to fill their dish.

I am still smiling! Now I get to go back and read this charmer all over again to pick up on all the little nuances I have surely missed through my first desparate,giddy read.Love the Regency setting,love Hubert! He may be your best animal character yet.

Hey Yummy ! I was so tickled to see your name.This is like a homecoming. :) I’m sure there are more of us ” old timers ” out there.

It is the same Patti, Laura. I have missed everybody too. I hope you know you never lost any of us. We have been out here waiting patiently for the new book, and now this lovely new site.Congratulations, both were efinitely worth the wait !

( By the by,does anyone have a bit of jewelry, or a pretty fan I might borrow ? Where is Thomas when you need him ? )

[40] Posted by Lena on 02.02.2010

First of all I want to thank you(and your muse) so much for another lovely story.

I was wondering, do you know the particulars of how Callie’s fortune was protected by her father and if she did in the end get her money? I was wondering if it had some sort of clause against Trev in particular or potential fortune hunters in general.

Thanks again,

[41] Posted by SandyO on 02.02.2010

Finally, I have my copy of Lessons in French.  Now, I shall curl up with a pot of tea and the book. :)  I can’t wait.

[42] Posted by Yumster on 02.02.2010

Ladies, the slow reader of the group (ME!) wants to check in!  I’m reading LIF very slowly, but I have to admit a strong desire to skip work and my responsibilities and just spend the whole day reading.  And yet, I can’t!  It’s very frustrating.  Plus, we are all highly distracted down here because the Saints are in the Superbowl (which, coincidentally means that hell hath frozen over!).  So, I just wanted to stop by and say that I’m hooked, I’m into it, but I’m also reading it frustratingly slowly, and a free day of reading is not in the cards anytime soon.  (Following the superbowl is Mardi Gras!) :)

[43] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.02.2010

Patti, indeed, I’ll have to see if I can get Thomas back from his holiday by the shore.

Hey, SandyO! Enjoy!

Good luck to the Saints, Yummy! (I have no dog in that fight.) ;)

[44] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.02.2010


Sometimes, I gotta admit, I don’t work these things out entirely in my mind. ;)

I think that her father would have put her money in a trust, and the trustee would have control of it.  That was pretty typical for women of the time—it protected their own money/property from automatically becoming their husband’s on marriage.  Married women did not have a legal existence—in the common law they became, legally, the same as their husband on marriage, and everything they owned outright became his property.  So trusts were used extensively to protect and control female assets. 

It would be fairly natural for her trustee, after her father’s death, to be the foolish cousin, as the next male heir. Since his wife was happy to get rid of Callie, and C was a better bookkeeper anyway, I think there would be no problem with Cousin Jasper giving C full control of her own accounts—in practice, if not in a legal sense. This was not uncommon either. 

That’s unverified and off the top of my head, of course!  But I think it’s fairly accurate.

[45] Posted by iris on 02.05.2010

Reader from Australia, writing to say I am so glad a new LK book is finally in stores! Bought it immediately and read it all in one sitting, until 2am. Loved it - worth the wait! (Also worth the four cups of coffee I had to drink to stay awake at work today….)

[46] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.07.2010

Oh, a 4-cupper!  Thanks, I love hearing I made readers sit up all night. ;)

[47] Posted by Yumster on 02.08.2010

Darn you, Laura Kinsale!!  You’ve made me fall head over heels once again for one of your heroes!  Love Trev.  :)

I have to admit that I’m operating on a few less cylinders today, but I did finish the book this morning while trying to cure my hangover.  The Saints win last night was absolutely insane, as was the Cuuurrrraaazzzy frenzy afterwards.  My friends and I headed to the Quarter with a few hundred thousand other friends and soaked up the revelry and the glory.  But, I had Trev on my mind even then, dammit! :)  So, I had to finish this a.m.!  (incidentally, Trev has taken on the features of one very wonderful quarterback named Drew Brees!) :)

It was a great story and well-told as usual.  I hope you’re working on something else at the moment because I want more.  :)  (Your public is very demanding, you see). 

Take care, and thank you!

[48] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.08.2010

Thank you, Yummy, and gratz to the Saints!

[49] Posted by eKathy28 on 02.14.2010

This will be remembered as one of the best books of 2010. How can you not love a hero who falls in love at 16 and despite all of life in between never stops loving her? How can you not love a heroine who knows everything about raising bulls? How can you not love a book that keeps you smiling from beginning to end. (Except for the teary parts.)
This is my kind of historical. No need to resolve some great evil. No major mystery to solve. Just a plot driven by getting together these two people who are meant to be together and plot devices that arise from the lives they have chosen to live, and the time they live in, instead of some forced mysterious doings or ridiculous intrigue. When the love between the hero an heoine is something that leaps off the page, that’s romance.
Trev and Callie join my superstar romanatic leads list with Pen Creed and Richard Wyndham, Pheobe Marlow and Sylvester, Duke of Salford, and Leonie de Saint-Vire and Justin, Duke of Avon.
Don’t get me wrong. I love your dark brooding characters, too. But those books had to be excruciatingly exhausting to write at times and I could be making huge assumptions but I’ll bet your inner perfectionist wouldn’t let them go till every excruciating detail was worked out. Otherwise they would not have been so compelling. Your writing range is amazing. Do it again, Laura!

[50] Posted by Yvonne on 02.15.2010

Regarding messages 49 and 51-what’s going on?

[51] Posted by eKathy28 on 02.15.2010


[52] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.15.2010

Hi, sorry about the spam, I was offline for the weekend and couldn’t remove it.

Thanks so much Kathy!  That’s exactly what I hope for readers when they finish this book, a feeling of real pure romance.

[53] Posted by Lynn from For Love or Funny on 02.18.2010

Hi Laura,
I was bored tonight, so on a lark I decided to see if you had a website.  Not only do you have one, but I’m so excited to see that you’ve got a new book out!  I’m going to buy it ASAP!!


[54] Posted by RitaSV on 02.18.2010

Oh, Laura!  I have to say I actually started to cry when I found out that you had a book coming out….this must be the one that you mentioned reminding you of the Allison Krauss song ‘The Lucky One’?

I absolutely adore Trev!  Really.  My favorite book of yours has always been ‘Flowers from the Storm’ because it worked some sort of magic on me that I have yet to shake, but, Trev….Oh Trev is wonderful!  I love, love, loved this book.  He and Callie are such a perfect match and he won my heart forever when I realized he had been faithful (albeit reluctantly) to her and his own heart for all these years.  He is a hero amongst heroes!!  And sweet, sweet Callie who deserved to be loved so faithfully.  I’m actually going to sit down to read it again.  I find myself moving backwards and forwards re-reading my favorite bits over and over.  Thank you so much for going to the effort of getting this published.  I have been a devoted fan of yours for years…

[55] Posted by laura kinsale on 02.19.2010

Lynn, I’m glad you found the site!  Take a look around, and don’t miss the Rutledge illustration of Hubert the bull on the Tea page.

Rita, yes, this is the book that had the working title The Lucky One.  I enjoyed writing both of the characters; they were a fun pair!

[56] Posted by Christina on 02.25.2010

Ahhh, a Laura Kinsale book is a joy to behold.  I so enjoyed Lessons in French.  It was vintage Kinsale, all the way.

[57] Posted by Anna on 03.02.2010

Ms Kinsale, do you know, whether and when I can get Lessons in French as an ebook in Europe? I usually buy Kindle books, because it is the easiest way to get English books in Slovakia. But Lessons in French is not available in Europe… so now I am not sure, whether to wait, or try to get a printed edition.

[58] Posted by laura kinsale on 03.02.2010

Anna let me look into this.  The foreign print rights are not yet conveyed (we are in process of that), so the book is only available in North America in print right now.  However, the ebook rights are not territorial and should be available “where the third party electronic provider acts as a distributor for the electronic edition.”  This would mean that it’s up to Amazon or other ebook retailer, I think, but I’m not sure. 

I visited Slovakia a few years ago!  Beautiful country and I hope to get back there someday.

[59] Posted by Anna on 03.02.2010

Thank you for replying so promptly. I tried to purchase Lessons in French again today, and this is what Amazon had to say to that: “Due to copyright restrictions, the Kindle title you’re trying to purchase is not available in your country (Slovakia).”
I think I’ll wait a bit more, as Amazon does offer some of your books for Kindle.
And I have to return your compliment :)
Your books are beautiful. My English can not do them justice. The one book I can’t get over is “My Sweet Folly”. Just wonderful! Thanks for the experience.

[60] Posted by Camila on 03.03.2010

Hi Laura!,
I’m from Chile and I’m a big big fan!. I just came back from London, where y managed to get Lessons in French!!. Words are not enough to thank you, your book has been a great distraction within the horrible moment we are living here in Chile. So far, I’ve loved what I’ve read… you never disappoint me!. Thanks again for the great moments!!, I hope you keep writing ‘cause it’s gonna take time for us to recover and I sure could use one of your books as motivation. A hundred more times thanks, mercy and gracias!

[61] Posted by laura kinsale on 03.03.2010

Camila, it’s only a tiny thing, but if my book can provide a little distraction that means a great deal to me.  It’s a very helpless feeling for all of us to watch what has been happening.  If there was anything that would keep me writing, it’s knowing that a book can help a little in difficult times.  Thank you for letting me know.  It’s an honor to hear those words from one of the courageous people of Chile.

[62] Posted by Kathy Jennings on 03.11.2010

“Lessons” inspired me to go back and read your whole backlist. Heavenly. A shy alpha male sounds like a contradiction in terms, but there he is. A man who cannot speak but who is definitely not mad. A guy who just wants to capture the attention of his genius of an inventor. Am halfway through “Folly” right now. Have two more to go. Don’t know what I will do then. I think maybe go back and do “Lessons in French” again. Let this be the year of Laura Kinsale.

[63] Posted by laura kinsale on 03.12.2010

Kathy, I may have to consult you for book blurbs—you have a knack!  Thank you, glad you are enjoying them.

[64] Posted by laura kinsale on 03.12.2010

In answer to Anna from Slovakia, all I’m being told by those “in the know” is that some countries don’t have the Kindle wireless capacity; I know that contradicts your experience buying them, and I can’t explain that. 

You might try a different ebook retailer (there are several links at the top of this page under Buy Now)

This is the article I was directed to concerning Kindle ebooks in Europe:

Don’t know if that explains anything at all!

[65] Posted by Anna on 03.16.2010

Thank you so much for the advice! It worked at last! After going through almost every link on your list, and always getting something about “restrictions”, I tried (really thinking, that it was in vain) All Romance Ebooks. And they sold it to me! I have “Lessons in French”, and am so looking forward to reading it - finally. :)

[66] Posted by Aurora Dawn on 03.21.2010

What a fabulous book!  This is my first time reading Laura Kinsale’s work and I am totally hooked (just picked up two more from the library and can’t wait to plunge in!).  I’ve never been a huge fan of romance, but this has changed my mind.  The dialog in this book was so hilarious I nearly laughed myself out of bed on more than one occasion.  Definitely a book that I’ll want to reread.  I always check out books at the library first, but this is an author that I want to have at home.  I’ll be ordering this one from Amazon soon!

[67] Posted by Remontant on 03.21.2010

Aurora Dawn, you need to buy all Laura’s backlist! You won’t be disappointed—each character and each story are so unique, unlike some authors who crank out books featuring the same three or four characters with different names. :-)

[68] Posted by Aurora Dawn on 03.21.2010

Remontant - sounds like good advice!  That’s what I haven’t liked about the romance novels that I’ve read in the past - it seemed like I was reading about the same shallow characters over and over again, but with different names.  But the characters in “Learning French” were so unique!  I really loved it.  I just started reading “Prince of Midnight” and had to be dragged away to eat supper (thank goodness hubby cooked!)  I’m sure I’ll be making a big purchase from Amazon soon. :)

[69] Posted by Yummy on 03.21.2010

Aurora, you are in for some fabulous characters, stories, and true romance.  The thing about LK’s writing that caught my attention is the way she gets inside the heads of her male characters.  They are so believable in their motivations and actions and doubts, etc.  I adore them and fall in love each time I read them.  I’m envious that you get to experience that delicious discovery of her works. For what it’s worth, my favorite is For My Lady’s Heart, and I highly recommend it, but Prince of Midnight rocks, too.  Oh, heck, they all do!! 

Hope you get some sleep, despite the fact I know you’ll be up all night reading these fantastic books! Welcome to the club. :)

[70] Posted by Boom on 05.01.2010

Very, very fun book!  I liked it so much I’m looking up your older books

[71] Posted by laura kinsale on 05.05.2010

Yay, Boom, I’m so glad you had fun reading it!

[72] Posted by NancyB on 08.20.2010

I am fairly new to your writing and have worked my way through your fabulous backlist, this book being the last.  I’m sad to have come through them all, but it was a terrific experience! 

This book made me laugh and yet it was touching at the same time.  I especially loved it when Trev “released the hens of war,” and developed a mad passion for Callie’s undergarments.  They were a great couple - great friends and great lovers!

I can hardly wait for the next book!

[73] Posted by Nancy B. on 08.23.2010

Oops, I quoted that wrong, didn’t I?  Trev “cried havoc and let slip the hens of war.”  That cracked me up!

[74] Posted by sofia on 10.13.2010

I have to say that this is the second time I read one of your books and it really left me speechless to discribe this book.
I’m from Chile, so the first time I heard about you was some time ago and I read ‘the prince of Midnight’ in Spanish. Then, I got so fascinated with it that I bought ‘Lessons in French’ in English and I simply LOVE it!!!
I wonder if you are actually writting more of this books…
well… hope you have a wonderful time
thanks and goodbye!

[75] Posted by Yummy on 10.13.2010

Wow, you are from Chile? What an amazing few days you guys have had! Just watched your president make a speech after they pulled up the last miner! Amazing! So happy they all got out alive!

[76] Posted by sofia on 10.13.2010

ooohh yes, hahahaha what a night ah?.... hahahha we are so happy that all miners are good. I think that all the things we’ve been through had made us all chileans to be as united as never we’ve been! hahha
Camilaa que bueno que tambien has leido de estos libros… son totalmentee buenos :)
once again, thanks Laura, and a lot of greetings :)

[77] Posted by laura kinsale on 10.14.2010

Thank you, Sofia and Camila (what beautiful names!)  And I’m so glad that the mine disaster had a happy ending.

[78] Posted by Gina on 11.04.2010

I took the seven year old boy to the library yesterday, and as we were walking to the check out, I saw a Kinsale book I hadn’t heard of. I quickly checked the names and realized I had never read this one—- was it possible there was a new one?

I checked it out (feeling horribly guilty—- I will purchase a copy, promise! But this was faster) and it’s already finished.

Thank you, Ms Kinsale. For another fantastic book.

I especially loved her daydreams… I’ve been there!

Oh, and when I told my my husband that you had a new book out, his first words were: how did she damage the hero this time? (You are the Queen of the Damaged Heroes in this house.)

I am sorry—- I feel like I am rambling and gushing like a teenager to a rock star. You are one of my favorite authors (not romance authors, but all authors) and I just can’t help it!

[79] Posted by laura kinsale on 11.04.2010

Gina, I’m so glad you happened across it!  With so much time between books, I feel lucky when former readers find the new one.  Glad you enjoy my books!

[80] Posted by Sara on 01.28.2011

Wow! Your books leave me breathless, and Lessons in French is no exception! Your my favourite author EVER! Keep writing more, please!

[81] Posted by Viv aka Vixen on 01.30.2011

Hi Laura. For goodness’ sake, woman, I’m running out of superlatives, now. How is it possible that I had never heard of you until a year ago? I prolonged the pleasure, taking as much time as I could, reading The Complete Works over a period of ten months. It has been fabulous - in every sense of the word. I don’t want it to be over. 

I’d been slightly anxious about starting Lessons In French, having thoroughly enjoyed the weight and darker tones of the likes of Shadowheart, Flowers In The Storm and The Shadow And The Star.  But in actual fact, I have genuinely loved ALL of your books - even taking into account my vague (and as yet, unsubstantiated) misgivings about Uncertain Magic - so I knew this was really just a question of putting my trust in you and letting you lead the way.

My personal highlights of Lessons In French: the highly entertaining plot which kept me guessing right up to the end; your lightness of touch; your WICKED, laugh out loud humour; the fizzing, spitting, snarling sexual tension (wow!); delightful Callie and her love for Hubert; and smouldering, dangerous, sexy, playful, besotted, faithful Trevelyan. (Have I given any clue as to how much I love him?) This was, in my humble opinion, on a par with the best of Georgette Heyer (who has always been my No.1 romance novelist).  I SO, SO wanted Madame de Monceaux to make a Miraculous Recovery! I had already written that ending in my mind and would have been very disappointed with anything less: so, thank you. 

I think I can truthfully say, Laura, that I love your lighter side (almost) as much as your darker side. You have, really truly, done it again. If we were in the same room at a party, I would probably feel it necessary to smile broadly at you from a distance; I might even do it twice.

[82] Posted by laura kinsale on 05.18.2011

Oh, gee, somehow the notices of comments on some of these book pages got lost, and I’ve missed these for months!

Gina, Sara and Viv, thanks so much, it really made me smile to read these.  Especially with LiF, it’s just great to know that it brought some light moments to readers. :)

[83] Posted by Pamela on 06.05.2011

Just finished! Witty, charming & fun! I LOVED it! Thank you so much for continuing to wow us with your wonderful writing!

[84] Posted by laura kinsale on 06.05.2011

Thank you Pamela!  That’s exactly what I hope readers will find in this book, a lot of fun.

[85] Posted by laura kinsale on 08.08.2011

This is just to make sure I’m getting notified of comments in this thread.

[86] Posted by B. on 11.03.2011

This was my first time reading one your books and let me just say that you did an awesome job.  I enjoyed the energy and connection between the lead characters.  I also enjoyed the way they discovered their love for one another.  It was awesome and I will place it on my shelf of favorites.

[87] Posted by laura kinsale on 11.03.2011

So glad you liked it, B!


[88] Posted by Hanneke on 10.17.2013

I know I’m years late, but I just discovered your books. I’ve read Midsummer Moon, and liked it a lot. I’m starting Lessons in French next.
I understand you write in different flavors, both lighter and darker, but I can’t quite figure out for each book where they belong on this spectrum, except for the two I bought to start with, and Shadowheart which I gather is the darkest, but for the rest I don’t know.

Could someone indicate which books are the more cheerful ones, and which are the darker ones?
Then I could better match the new book to my mood, and not risk being put off from a nice new (to me) writer by chancing on a very somber book when I really needed a cheerful one.

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